Graphic Design for Juniors

Graphic Design can be one of the best ways to express your juniors creativity. The Graphic Design course has been Graphic Design can be one of the best ways to express juniors’ creativity. Juniors are naturally curious about art, painting as well as modern technology . It would be a great thing if this interest could be directed to teach them something that will also help them in near future.The skill will open the door to future possibilities for juniors. As well as increase their creativity which they can use in other fields as well.

Course Objectives:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint and
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator

Course Overview

Total Classes23 Classes
Classes Per
Week:2-3 days
Class Hours2 Hours
Total Hours32 Hours

Lesson Plans

The courses on the Creative Juniors platform are designed so that the subjects will not only be considered as a basic life skill for the juniors but will also prepare them for the new IT-centric or international careers that will emerge in the future world. The courses are